“Being recognized as a Provost Teaching and Learning Fellow is an honor for our faculty who have shown a commitment to effective teaching and learning,” said Steve McLaughlin, Dean of the College of Engineering and Southern Company Chair. “This is an opportunity for them to play a leadership role across the campus and within the College regarding innovative programs for faculty, postdoctoral scholars, and graduate students who want to enhance their teaching practices.”
“I am honored to have been selected as a Provost Teaching and Learning Fellow as it will allow me to gain and exchange knowledge about innovation in teaching/education and meet and learn from other educators at GT campus from across various disciplines,” said Dr. Ranjan. “I strongly believe that the 21st century challenge in higher education is to meet our students where they are, and utilize the power of emerging technologies, instructional tools, and online forums to make classroom environment and learning processes more dynamic.”
The Provost Teaching and Learning Fellows program was jointly established by the Provost and the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) in Fall 2016 with the aim of strengthening teaching and learning in the colleges through an embedded system of ongoing instructional support and special initiatives. In this second group, Dr. Ranjan joins Dr. Thomas Fuller, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; Dr. Kamran Paynabar, Industrial & Systems Engineering; Dr. Dong Qin, Materials Science & Engineering; and Julian Jose Rimoli, Aerospace Engineering in the two-year fellowship.
“I am excited to extend invitations to our second cohort of Provost Teaching and Learning Fellows, and I especially look forward to working with Dr. Devesh Ranjan,” said Dr. Joyce Weinsheimer, Director for the Center for Teaching and Learning. “I am confident that his disciplinary expertise and his leadership efforts will enhance the profile of teaching and learning in the College of Engineering.”
Provost Teaching and Learning Fellows engage in topics such as cultivating change in higher education and fostering an environment that rewards teaching and learning. In addition, Provost Teaching and Learning Fellows work to develop and further college-specific initiatives, which are informed by discussions with key leaders in the colleges.
“With this appointment, Devesh Ranjan exemplifies the Woodruff school’s continuous drive to improve the education of our students. Devesh joins ME faculty members Julie Linsey and Marc Smith who have also held these appointments in this elite program,” said Dr. Bert Bras, Interim Chair of the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering and Brook Byers Professor.
Ranjan’s research program focuses on the mixing of materials at extreme conditions, the physics of hydrodynamic instabilities, and advanced power conversion cycles. His research efforts can potentially lead to advances in a number of fields including, energy, environment and most pertinently, inertial confinement fusion devices.
Ranjan is a recipient of National Science Foundation CAREER Award, US AFOSR Young Investigator Award and the DOE-Early Career Award, and was named J. Erskine Love Jr. Faculty Fellow in 2015.