Are you interested in brushing up on your Statics skills?  Want to know what’s going on in the Woodruff School lately?  Consider taking a free massive open online course (MOOC) entitled “Introduction to Engineering Mechanics” taught by our very own Dr. Wayne Whiteman to begin on September 16. This MOOC will address the material covered in the 1st half of the Statics course at George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech. Learn more by watching this introductory video:

A MOOC offering of the 2nd half of the Statics course, entitled “Applications in Engineering Mechanics,” will also be offered on November 4 following the completion of the Intro course. This MOOC will address topics of truss structures, machines, frames, friction, and shear and moment bending diagrams. Watch an introductory video on this course:


Register now through Coursera.