Mechanical Forces Affect T-Cell Recognition and Signaling

T-cells are the body’s sentinels, patrolling every corner of the body in search of foreign threats such as bacteria and viruses. Receptor molecules on the T-cells identify invaders by recognizing their specific antigens, helping the T-cells discriminate attackers from the body’s own cells. When they recognize a threat, the T-cells signal other parts of the immune system to confront the invader.

Capstone Design Expo: Looking Back to Foresee What's Ahead

On April 24, 2014 at the McCamish Pavillion, more than 900 seniors from across Georgia Tech will showcase their final senior design projects at the Capstone Design Expo. The Senior Design (Capstone Design) course, a culmination of undergraduate education, teaches students about the design process and allows them one last opportunity to truly take advantage of Georgia Tech’s numerous resources to launch their own venture, solve a social need, or work with an industry sponsor.

Microfluidic Device Measures Drugs’ Influence on Blood Clotting

A new microfluidic method for evaluating drugs commonly used for preventing heart attacks has found that while aspirin can prevent dangerous blood clots in some at-risk patients, it may not be effective in all patients with narrowed arteries. The study, which involved 14 human subjects, used a device that simulated blood flowing through narrowed coronary arteries to assess effects of anti-clotting drugs.